Sample of an obituary
Sample of an obituary

sample of an obituary

It is with great sadness we announce the death of, , of from on. They are survived by and a service will be held at, on at. ,, of was sadly taken from us on due to surrounded by friends and family. They were beloved by their family and predeceased by. Or combine parts from the different examples to make the most fitting obituary for your deceased loved one. Use them as a basic outline and then add in the necessary details. These simple obituary templates should be a good starting point to you to write your own. On top of that you can decide if you want to include any more personal details about the deceased like their character or stories and anecdotes from your time together. You might want to mention the details of a funeral or memorial if one is being held as well. These are the fundamentals you won’t want to miss out. The most basic obituary should include these details of the deceased:

sample of an obituary

You can adapt and add to them in any way you like and use different parts from the different templates until you’ve got it sounding exactly as you’d like. So use these free obituary templates and the tips for what to include to help you do justice to a loved one. If you’ve never had to write one before then having an example template will help you get started if you’re struggling. Having a guide of what to write for an obituary gives you an idea of the sort of things to say. That’s why an obituary template can be so helpful. Not to mention how brief you are required to keep it.

sample of an obituary

Finding the right words to sum up a loved ones life is so hard. Writing an obituary is difficult for many of us.

Sample of an obituary