Unless you REALLY suck or get unlucky this should be an easy easy fight even without the little horn item.ĭelirium: this tactic works for both of them: keep an Ansiz rune handy and make sure you do LOTS of damage (which is very easy to accomplish ESPECIALLY if you go to the chest with both pieces of the key. Keeper: same trick works, but ultra greedier CONSTANTLY causes coins to appear when he lands. If it fails to proc (you would have to have REALLY lousy shot rate) simply exit the game, continue and beat ultra greed and try again. If the black hole shot procs that the little horn produces it will instakill ultra greed before he transforms into ultra greedier.

Once you beat ultra greed's first form fire at him as he turns gold. The basic goal is to find a way to keep pennies on the boss room floor, hover near them, and when hit grab one. 9 volt will make it so your nickle recharges constantly in each room. With wooden nickle this can literally cause you to heal each time you take damage. For example: Getting the habit, makes it so when hit your held item activates. Keeper: The basic idea is to find a way to always keep coins on the ground and to increase firing rate. Lost: ANY time he gets hit once, exit the game, then continue. They are actually both really easy to cheese your way thru with, WITHOUT cheating.